5-1 Overview
Handouts to Support your Client's Back-Home Work


5-2 A Beginner’s Guide to Energy Medicine

Both a brief introduction to what a client needs to know and a wealth of resources.

5-3 Daily Energy Routine

The Rosetta Stone of Energy Medicine on four pages.

5-4 Homolateral Crossover

If the client’s energies are running in a homolateral pattern, begin here, even before the Daily Energy Routine. While always valuable to do, the benefits of other techniques will be compromised if the client’s energies are running in a homolateral pattern and not corrected.

5-5 Connecting Heaven and Earth

The energies of the sky meet the energies of the Earth in your client’s body. This exercise harmonizes these energies and moves them through the joints and throughout the entire body.

5-6 Celtic Weave

Reweave your client’s energies into a strong, integrated, pulsing energy field, with the aura pumped and connected.

5-7 Resetting the Illeocecal and Houston Valves

These valves regulate digestion and many other functions. Resetting them helps keep the body tuned like a race car.

5-8 Freeing the Diaphragm

Breath is the elixir of life, and freeing the diaphragm to breathe more fully allows energy to flow throughout the body.

5-9 Energy Psychology on a Page

While Energy Psychology is a remarkably sophisticated form of emotional selfmanagement, as well as a powerful clinical tool, its most basic physical procedures can be summarized in a page for back-home use. The version provided here is based on Feinstein, Eden, and Craig’s The Promise of Energy Psychology.

5-10 Accuprssure Strengthening and Sedating Points

Each meridian has a set of acupressure strengthening points and a set of acupressure sedating points. Through energy testing, tracking symptoms, and other assessments, you can determine which will be served by strengthening them, sedating them, or doing both. Print the charts for the points you want your client to work with at home.
